
The TBCI was set-up by Kancho Alfred Bates in 1985 to forward the philosophy of KyuShinDo, first formulated by Kenshiro Abbe Docho.

Within in TBCI, Philosophy and technique go hand in hand. They are mutual to one another and should not stand alone. Philosophy should not be confused with religion. The TBCI does not align itself with any form of religion. 

Students are encouraged to study Philosophy as a way to help along the path of, understanding themselves, others and the principles of the universe. As such Philosophy covers a multitude of subjects encompassing moral fortitude, Natural Laws etc. all of which are essential elements of Budo and the Martial Arts.

This page allows you to access philosophy papers written by both Kancho Alfred Bates Judan Hanshi and members of the TBCI. These papers are design to stimulate the thought processes, to help you on your journey of understanding.

These papers are presented here as free and open documents for you the reader to do with as you will. However, they are subject to copyright and as such we request that they do not form, directly or indirectly, a part of any document you may wish to construct yourself, without prior permission from the TBCI. It is hoped that they will give guidance and inspiration to the reader as you follow your own personnel path towards self-enlightenment.


Philosophy Papers

The following list are a sample of papers written by Kancho Alfred Bates, to help further the understanding of KyuShinDo. To access them just click on the title and they will open in a separate webpage as a pdf.